OK. So you say, "Silly Sarah! What's the big deal? They're just bikes." Well, I suppose these sad bikes have just piqued my interest because I love my own bikes so much. I baby them. I worry about them when they're out in the cold garage.
Last summer, while I was riding my road bike, I had to slow down to negotiate a sharp turn onto a steep decline. I hesitated just a split second too long and fell right over to the left. I fell with my head slightly on the roadway and I felt the gravel under my skin as I went down. But, once I got myself back up, my only thought was whether my bike was OK! As I stood there oblivious to the bleeding from my arm and leg, I inspected the tear in my brand new handlebar tape and lamented about the damage.
Later in the summer, I accidentally tore a small hole in the seat of my commuter bike when I leaned it against a nail in the garage wall. It's very small and of no real consequence but it made me feel sick to my stomach for a little while.
A couple days ago, I was about to back my car out of the garage when my snow-covered shoe slid right off the clutch. The car lurched forward a couple feet, stopping just short of my new triathlon bike, which was leaning up against a cabinet at the front of the garage. My heart skipped a beat! Never mind that it would have scratched the hood of my car. Any damage to my bike would have been much more tragic!
Bikes are expensive and, more than that, they represent fun, fitness, freedom, potential, and power. I can't quite fathom just abandoning them to the elements. I'm pretty sure that other triathletes feel the same way about their bikes and probably have an affinity and respect for bikes in general. I think we notice beautiful bikes and appreciate how important they are to our sport. And the fact that we name our bikes sort of says it all!
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